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Slack Connect API reference

Slack Connect allows users between different workspaces and organizations to work together on Slack.

Below is a list of Slack Connect-related scopes, methods and events. For information on how to use these components together to address common use cases, see our Using Slack Connect API methods guide.


Scope Description
conversations.connect:read Receive Slack Connect invite events sent to the channels your slack app is in.
conversations.connect:write Create Slack Connect invitations for channels that your slack app has been added to, and accept invitations sent to your slack app.
conversations.connect:manage Allows your slack app to manage Slack Connect channels, and approve, decline, and list Slack Connect invitations. Since approval requires more authority than accepting invitations, apps with this feature can only be installed by a workspace owner or admin.


Method Description
admin.conversations.disconnectShared Disconnect a connected channel from one or more workspaces.
conversations.acceptSharedInvite Accepts an invitation to a Slack Connect channel.
conversations.approveSharedInvite Approves an invitation to a Slack Connect channel
conversations.declineSharedInvite Declines a Slack Connect channel invite.
conversations.externalInvitePermissions.set Upgrade or downgrade Slack Connect channel permissions between "can post only" and "can post and invite".
conversations.inviteShared Sends an invitation to a Slack Connect channel.
conversations.listConnectInvites Lists shared channel invites that have been generated or received but have not been approved by all parties.
conversations.requestSharedInvite.approve  Approves a request to add an external user to a channel and sends them a Slack Connect invite.
conversations.requestSharedInvite.deny Denies a request to invite an external user to a channel.
conversations.requestSharedInvite.list Lists requests to add external users to channels with ability to filter.
team.externalTeams.disconnect Disconnects all Slack Connect channels and direct messages (DMs) from an external organization.
team.externalTeams.list Returns a list of all the external teams connected and details about the connection.
users.discoverableContacts.lookup Look up an email address to see if someone is discoverable on Slack.


Method Description
shared_channel_invite_accepted A shared channel invite was accepted.
shared_channel_invite_approved A shared channel invite was approved.
shared_channel_invite_declined A shared channel invite was declined.
shared_channel_invite_received A shared channel invite was sent to a Slack user.
shared_channel_invite_requested A shared channel invite was sent to a Slack user.