The legacy Real Time Messaging API is a WebSocket-based API that allows you to receive events from Slack in real time and send messages as users, including bot users. It's sometimes referred to as the "RTM API".
It was once the basis for all Slack clients and once commonly used with bot users to create helper bots for your workspace.
We recommend having events pushed to you instead, using the HTTP-based Events API. Most of the RTM API's supported event types are also supported by the Events API. If you really like WebSockets, Socket Mode for apps delivers event subscriptions over WebSockets instead.
Many workspace administrators will not allow apps and integrations using the RTM API due to the overly permissive permission scopes required for their operation. Slack apps allow you to subscribe to events and request permissions for only the data your app truly needs to operate.
This API is ancient and the ways to access it have grown more limited over time. Please excuse this litany of warnings and calls to action below.
The platform has evolved for nearly a decade and we're looking to consolidate some of our oldest ways to integrate and extend Slack.
Slack apps may not use any Real Time Messaging API method. Create a classic app and use the V1 Oauth flow to use RTM.
For most applications, Socket Mode is a better way to communicate with Slack.
To begin a RTM session make an authenticated call to the rtm.connect API method. This provides an initial set of workspace metadata and a message server WebSocket URL. Once you have connected to the message server it will provide a stream of events, including both messages and updates to the current state of the workspace. This allows a client to easily maintain a synchronized local copy of all workspace data and messages.
The Websocket URLs provided by rtm.connect
are single-use and are only valid
for 30 seconds, so make sure to connect quickly. If you connect successfully
the first event received will be a hello:
"type": "hello"
This will be followed by any events that occurred between the call to
and the connection to the message server. If you're reconnecting
after a network problem this initial set of events may include a response
to the last message sent on a previous connection (with a reply_to
) so a
client can confirm that message was received.
If there was a problem connecting an error will be returned, including a descriptive error message:
"type": "error",
"error": {
"code": 1,
"msg": "Socket URL has expired"
Almost everything that happens in Slack will result in an event being sent to all connected clients. A common event is a message sent from a user:
"type": "message",
"ts": "1358878749.000002",
"user": "U123ABC456",
"text": "Hello"
Every event has a type
property which describes the type of event. Our
servers currently send the following event types:
Event | Description | Works with | |
accounts_changed | The list of accounts a user is signed into has changed | RTM | |
app_deleted | User has deleted an app | Events | |
app_home_opened | User clicked into your App Home | Events | |
app_installed | User has installed an app | Events | |
app_mention | Subscribe to only the message events that mention your app or bot | Events | |
app_rate_limited | Indicates your app's event subscriptions are being rate limited | Events | |
app_requested | User requested an app | Events | |
app_uninstalled | Your Slack app was uninstalled. | Events | |
app_uninstalled_team | User has uninstalled an app | Events | |
assistant_thread_context_changed | The context changed while an AI assistant thread was visible | Events | |
assistant_thread_started | An AI assistant thread was started | Events | |
bot_added | A bot user was added | RTM | |
bot_changed | A bot user was changed | RTM | |
call_rejected | A Call was rejected | Events | |
channel_archive | A channel was archived | RTM | Events |
channel_created | A channel was created | RTM | Events |
channel_deleted | A channel was deleted | RTM | Events |
channel_history_changed | Bulk updates were made to a channel's history | RTM | Events |
channel_id_changed | A channel ID changed | Events | |
channel_joined | You joined a channel | RTM | |
channel_left | You left a channel | RTM | Events |
channel_marked | Your channel read marker was updated | RTM | |
channel_rename | A channel was renamed | RTM | Events |
channel_shared | A channel has been shared with an external workspace | Events | |
channel_unarchive | A channel was unarchived | RTM | Events |
channel_unshared | A channel has been unshared with an external workspace | Events | |
commands_changed | A slash command has been added or changed | RTM | |
dnd_updated | Do not Disturb settings changed for the current user | RTM | Events |
dnd_updated_user | Do not Disturb settings changed for a member | RTM | Events |
email_domain_changed | The workspace email domain has changed | RTM | Events |
emoji_changed | A custom emoji has been added or changed | RTM | Events |
external_org_migration_finished | An enterprise grid migration has finished on an external workspace. | RTM | |
external_org_migration_started | An enterprise grid migration has started on an external workspace. | RTM | |
file_change | A file was changed | RTM | Events |
file_comment_added | A file comment was added | RTM | Events |
file_comment_deleted | A file comment was deleted | RTM | Events |
file_comment_edited | A file comment was edited | RTM | Events |
file_created | A file was created | RTM | Events |
file_deleted | A file was deleted | RTM | Events |
file_public | A file was made public | RTM | Events |
file_shared | A file was shared | RTM | Events |
file_unshared | A file was unshared | RTM | Events |
function_executed | Your app function is executed as a step in a workflow | Events | |
goodbye | The server intends to close the connection soon. | RTM | |
grid_migration_finished | An enterprise grid migration has finished on this workspace. | Events | |
grid_migration_started | An enterprise grid migration has started on this workspace. | Events | |
group_archive | A private channel was archived | RTM | Events |
group_close | You closed a private channel | RTM | Events |
group_deleted | A private channel was deleted | RTM | Events |
group_history_changed | Bulk updates were made to a private channel's history | RTM | Events |
group_joined | You joined a private channel | RTM | |
group_left | You left a private channel | RTM | Events |
group_marked | A private channel read marker was updated | RTM | |
group_open | You created a group DM | RTM | Events |
group_rename | A private channel was renamed | RTM | Events |
group_unarchive | A private channel was unarchived | RTM | Events |
hello | The client has successfully connected to the server | RTM | |
im_close | You closed a DM | RTM | Events |
im_created | A DM was created | RTM | Events |
im_history_changed | Bulk updates were made to a DM's history | RTM | Events |
im_marked | A direct message read marker was updated | RTM | |
im_open | You opened a DM | RTM | Events |
invite_requested | User requested an invite | Events | |
link_shared | A message was posted containing one or more links relevant to your application | Events | |
manual_presence_change | You manually updated your presence | RTM | |
member_joined_channel | A user joined a public channel, private channel or MPDM. | RTM | Events |
member_left_channel | A user left a public or private channel | RTM | Events |
message | A message was sent to a channel | RTM | Events |
message.app_home | A user sent a message to your Slack app | Events | |
message.channels | A message was posted to a channel | Events | |
message.groups | A message was posted to a private channel | Events | | | A message was posted in a direct message channel | Events | |
message.mpim | A message was posted in a multiparty direct message channel | Events | |
message_metadata_deleted | Message metadata was deleted | Events | |
message_metadata_posted | Message metadata was posted | Events | |
message_metadata_updated | Message metadata was updated | Events | |
pin_added | A pin was added to a channel | RTM | Events |
pin_removed | A pin was removed from a channel | RTM | Events |
pref_change | You have updated your preferences | RTM | |
presence_change | A member's presence changed | RTM | |
presence_query | Determine the current presence status for a list of users | RTM | |
presence_sub | Subscribe to presence events for the specified users | RTM | |
reaction_added | A member has added an emoji reaction to an item | RTM | Events |
reaction_removed | A member removed an emoji reaction | RTM | Events |
reconnect_url | Experimental | RTM | |
resources_added | Access to a set of resources was granted for your app | Events | |
resources_removed | Access to a set of resources was removed for your app | Events | |
scope_denied | OAuth scopes were denied to your app | Events | |
scope_granted | OAuth scopes were granted to your app | Events | |
shared_channel_invite_accepted | A shared channel invite was accepted | Events | |
shared_channel_invite_approved | A shared channel invite was approved | Events | |
shared_channel_invite_declined | A shared channel invite was declined | Events | |
shared_channel_invite_received | A shared channel invite was sent to a Slack user | RTM | Events |
shared_channel_invite_requested | A shared channel invite was requested | Events | |
star_added | A member has saved an item for later or starred an item | RTM | Events |
star_removed | A member has removed an item saved for later or starred an item | RTM | Events |
subteam_created | A User Group has been added to the workspace | RTM | Events |
subteam_members_changed | The membership of an existing User Group has changed | RTM | Events |
subteam_self_added | You have been added to a User Group | RTM | Events |
subteam_self_removed | You have been removed from a User Group | RTM | Events |
subteam_updated | An existing User Group has been updated or its members changed | RTM | Events |
team_access_granted | Access to a set of teams was granted to your org app | Events | |
team_access_revoked | Access to a set of teams was revoked from your org app | Events | |
team_domain_change | The workspace domain has changed | RTM | Events |
team_join | A new member has joined | RTM | Events |
team_migration_started | The workspace is being migrated between servers | RTM | |
team_plan_change | The account billing plan has changed | RTM | |
team_pref_change | A preference has been updated | RTM | |
team_profile_change | The workspace profile fields have been updated | RTM | |
team_profile_delete | The workspace profile fields have been deleted | RTM | |
team_profile_reorder | The workspace profile fields have been reordered | RTM | |
team_rename | The workspace name has changed | RTM | Events |
tokens_revoked | API tokens for your app were revoked. | Events | |
url_verification | Verifies ownership of an Events API Request URL | Events | |
user_change | A member's data has changed | RTM | Events |
user_resource_denied | User resource was denied to your app | Events | |
user_resource_granted | User resource was granted to your app | Events | |
user_resource_removed | User resource was removed from your app | Events | |
user_typing | A channel member is typing a message | RTM | |
workflow_deleted | A workflow that contains a step supported by your app was deleted | Events | |
workflow_published | A workflow that contains a step supported by your app was published | Events | |
workflow_step_deleted | A workflow step supported by your app was removed from a workflow | Events | |
workflow_step_execute | A workflow step supported by your app should execute | Events | |
workflow_unpublished | A workflow that contains a step supported by your app was unpublished | Events |
New event types will be added in the future, clients should be able to handle unexpected event types.
You can send a message to Slack by sending JSON over the WebSocket connection.
Every event should have a unique (for that connection) positive integer ID. All replies to that message will include this ID allowing the client to correlate responses with the messages sent; replies may be "out of order" due to the asynchronous nature of the message servers.
Also, as with events sent from the server, each event sent by the client has a
string type
specifying what the message does — chat messages are of type message
So to post the text "Hello world" to a channel, you can send this JSON:
"id": 1,
"type": "message",
"channel": "C123ABC456",
"text": "Hello world"
You can send a message to a private group or direct message channel in the
same way, but using a group ID (C123ABC456
) or direct message channel ID (D0123ABC456
To send a message both as and to the authenticating user, use the correct direct message channel ID for that user. The direct message ID can be found as part of the response to rtm.connect
, or by consulting conversations.list
The RTM API only supports posting basic messages formatted using our
default message formatting mode. It does not support
attachments or other message formatting modes. To post a
more complex message as a user clients can call the
chat.postMessage Web API method with as_user
set to true.
User mentions over RTM should use the User ID-based <@U123ABC>
"id": 2,
"type": "message",
"channel": "C123ABC456",
"text": "Hello <@U123ABC>"
Once the JSON has been sent to the server visual clients should immediately display the text in the channel, grayed out or otherwise marked to indicate that it is "pending". At some point after that, usually a few milliseconds later, the server will send a confirmation that the message was received:
"ok": true,
"reply_to": 1,
"ts": "1355517523.000005",
"text": "Hello world"
Replies to messages sent by clients will always contain two properties: a
boolean ok
indicating whether they succeeded and an integer reply_to
indicating which message they are in response to.
In the case of a reply to a chat message, if successful, the reply will contain the canonical recorded timestamp of the message. All messages within a single channel are guaranteed to have a unique timestamp which is ASCII sortable. Given the precision of the timestamp, clients should treat these timestamps as strings, not floats/doubles. Once a successful reply has been returned, the message in the chat log should no longer be grayed out - it has now been delivered.
Chat message replies also contain the message text, which may vary from the sent message due to URL detection.
If there is an error processing an event the message server will reply with an error. For example:
"ok": false,
"reply_to": 1,
"error": {
"code": 2,
"msg": "message text is missing"
Clients can send a typing indicator to indicate that the user is currently writing a message to send to a channel:
"id": 1,
"type": "typing",
"channel": "C123ABC456"
This can be sent on every key press in the chat input unless one has been sent in the last three seconds. Unless there is an error the server will not send a reply, but it will send a "user_typing" event to all workspace members in the channel.
User and bot user presence on the RTM API is complicated enough to warrant an entire document. Learn all about presence subscriptions and batch presence events here.
events are not dispatched without presence subscriptions established with presence_sub
. Relatedly, current user presence status is no longer communicated in rtm.start
. Learn more.
Clients should try to quickly detect disconnections, even in idle periods, so that users can easily tell the difference between being disconnected and everyone being quiet. Not all web browsers support the WebSocket ping spec, so the RTM protocol also supports ping/pong messages. When there is no other activity clients should send a ping every few seconds. To send a ping, send the following JSON:
"id": 1234, // ID, see "sending messages" above
"type": "ping",
You can supply any number of extra "flat" arguments (that is: only scalar values, no arrays or objects). These will be included in the pong message that is sent back. For example, a client could include a local timestamp in the ping message so it can calculate round-trip latency:
"id": 1234,
"type": "ping",
"time": 1403299273342
This will be included in the reply from the server:
"reply_to": 1234,
"type": "pong",
"time": 1403299273342
The message server will disconnect any client that sends a message longer than 16 kilobytes. This includes all parts of the message, including JSON syntax, not just the message text. Clients should limit messages sent to channels to 4000 characters, which will always be under 16k bytes even with a message comprised solely of non-BMP Unicode characters at 4 bytes each. If the message is longer a client should prompt to split the message into multiple messages, create a snippet or create a post.
As with all Slack APIs, the RTM API is subject to rate limits. Clients should not send more than one message per second sustained. If you do you may receive an error message or be disconnected.
WebSockets are a standard way to open a long-lived bi-directional communication channel with a server over TCP. It's the protocol used when connecting to our RTM API. Many contributions from our community support the particulars of connecting to Slack via a WebSocket.
vs. rtm.start
There are currently two ways to reserve websocket connections.
concerns itself only with getting your app connected to the RTM API, and only includes limited information about the connecting user and housing workspace.
includes not only an entire kitchen sink but an entire kitchen filled with information about the user, its workspace, its channels, its current state in the universe. rtm.start
is naturally more difficult to use with Enterprise Grid and other large workspaces.
We strongly recommend using rtm.connect
to reserve your websocket connections and use the Web API in tandem to collect all the state information your app needs.
Both APIs are useful for different reasons, despite them both serving the same kind of data. Find out why to choose one or the other (or both!) in the Events API FAQ.
Since Slack apps don't connect to rtm.connect
, you'll need to have a classic app to get started.
Discontinuing new classic Slack app creation
You won't be able to create new classic apps or legacy custom integration bot users anymore after June 4, 2024. Learn how this may impact you and your team.
There are additional support actions you'll need to take for the RTM API to properly work with Enterprise Grid.
instead of rtm.start
If your application is installed by multiple workspaces of an Enterprise Grid and then used in a shared channel, it's possible that your bot will receive multiple RTM events for the same message: one for each of the workspaces you're installed on.
If your bot doesn't de-duplicate the messages by looking at the ts
value of each message, you might interpret each one independently and reply to them, adding noise a conversation.
Look for the source_team
message field to identify the Enterprise workspace the message originates from.
To help you understand the different scenarios in which you'll receive multiple messages, let's imagine the following situation:
Condition | Result |
User from Workspace 1 sends message |
User from Workspace 2 sends message |
User from Workspace 3 sends message |
One way to handle duplicate messages is to make one of the workspaces in the shared channel (that your app is installed on) responsible for handling all messages coming from that shared channel.
To do this, you'll need to listen to the channel_joined
event when your bot is added to a shared channel. The metadata included in this event will tell you which workspaces are part of the shared channel.
Of the workspaces in the channel that your app is installed on, you'll want to pick one and save both the channel ID and team ID in your database. From that point on, you can look up the channel ID for every message you need to respond to and determine which workspace's RTM should respond.
Alternatively, you can ignore all messages coming from a workspace that is not the same as the workspace your app is installed on. This will prevent users on workspaces that haven't installed your app from being able to interact with your bot.
Direct messages work much like channels: private conversations between two or more individuals spanning multiple workspaces within an Enterprise Grid result in RTM API streaming one message for each of your open websocket connections.
Your app can be the target of a direct message from another workspace across the Enterprise Grid. You never know when a user might want to collaborate with your bot.
These messages will also contain a source_team
attribute when perspectively appropriate. The source_team
attribute contains the workspace within the Enterprise Grid that the message originates from.
As with channels, when connected to multiple websocket connections on behalf of workspaces in the Enterprise Grid, you can receive redundant message deliveries. They will have the same ts