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Data Access API

AI apps are most useful when they have access to relevant contextual data. The Data Access API allows apps access to the Slack data that the invoking user has access to, through a short-lived token, to be used in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) queries. Accessing data in this way allows third-party applications to securely access Slack data without storing customer information on external servers. Providing this information for context to an LLM to use ensures higher relevance of its responses to your users' queries. Read on to discover how to employ this API exclusively in your AI app.

This API is currently in a limited access stage. You may be able to obtain a token and call the API, but to get a valid response, you must be enrolled in the program. Contact Customer Experience at to request to be added.

API Overview

The purpose of the Data Access API is real-time data retrieval, designed to be used after a user interacts with an AI app, to ground RAG queries in relevant data from Slack. An application will receive an ephemeral token, called the action_token, from a message event, which can then be used to make a request to the Data Access API via the method. The Data Access API then searches all conversations (within the scope of permission granted) on the keywords provided in the user query and returns an array of messages relevant to the keyword search.

Image of API Flow

Required Scopes

Your app must contain at least one of the following scopes, each providing various levels of access. Include all of them for a wider base from which to search.

Scope Description
search:read.public Read access to all public channel messages
search:read.private Read access to all private channel messages
search:read.mpim Read access to all multi-person direct messages Read access to all direct messages
search:read.files Read access to all files

The search:read.public scope allows searching for data in public channels within the workspace(s) where the app is installed AND the searching user is a member. The searching user need not be a member of the public channels, just of the workspace, for the channels to be included in the search results.

Including any one of the search:read.private, search:read.mpim, and scopes allows users to consent to those scopes within the Slack client. Users can choose to grant access to their private channels. They can only grant that access if the app has been installed with the corresponding scope. For example, if an admin installs the app with the search:read.public and scopes, users will be able to consent to the IM scope, but not private/MPIM.

These scopes are in addition to the following scopes, which are needed for any AI app.

Scope Description
assistant:write Allow app to act as an AI app
im:history View messages and other content in DMs the app has been added to
chat:write Write access to post messages channels and conversations

To add these scopes, go to your app settings, select your app, then:

  1. Go to the OAuth & Permissions section in the navigation sidebar
  2. Scroll down to the Scopes section
  3. Add the scopes listed above

User permission

It is important to Slack that users opt in to their information being accessed by the Data Access API. The first time a user opens the AI app container view, Slack will prompt the user to allow the app to access their private conversations. If the user opts to allow, then the app can use the Data Access API across public channels, private channels, and MPDMs they are a part of (assuming the app's included scopes give it permission to do so).

The app can always access channels it has been added to, if it has the right scopes. The user scopes allow it to access channels that its NOT a member of, as long as the user making the query has access.

Image of app permissions

Supported events

The, message.mpim, message.groups, message.channels, and app_mention events contain an action_token in the event body when the app is @ mentioned.

Your app will only receive an action_token in the event payload if it was @ mentioned in that message. If the app is not @ mentioned, you will still get the event as usual, but without an action_token. If a user sends a DM to your app, the @ mention is not needed and you will receive an action_token either way.

Your app must be subscribed to at least one of these events in order to get the token to pass to the method. To subscribe to these events, select your app from the list here, navigate to the Event Subscriptions section in the left nav, expand the Subscribe to bot events section, and add the, message.mpim, message.groups, message.channels, and app_mention events.

Other relevant events for an AI app include the assistant_thread_started event and the assistant_thread_context_changed event. Read more about how those work in the scope of an AI app in the AI Apps usage guide.

Data access flow

You must have an existing app to take advantage of the Data Access API with the Agents & AI Apps feature enabled. Follow the setup for AI apps first.

1. Obtain action_token from appropriate event payload

Your app can obtain the action_token needed to query the Data Access API from either a message event or an app_mention event. Message events that include the action_token are:

The app_mention event contains an action_token in the payload when the app is mentioned using "@app-name".

The action_token can be used to make a request to the Data Access API. The token will be within the assistant_thread object, as shown below:

  "user": "U12345678",
  "type": "message",
  "ts": 1737049721.016239,
  "text": "Can you summarize this channel?",
  "thread_ts": 1733757377.689059,
  "parent_user_id": "U98765432",
  "channel": "C1230045",
  "assistant_thread": {
	  "action_token": "1234567.abcdefg"
  "event_ts": 1737049721.016239,
  "channel_type": "im"

2. Use the action_token to send a request to the Data Access API

The action_token is short-lived, so it’s important to use it soon after your app receives it. Make a request to the method, and the response will contain messages or files relevant to your query. The action_token should be provided in addition to the standard Slack token that begins with xoxop- or xoxob-. API method reference

Parameter Required/Optional Description
query Required User prompt or query
token Required Bot token
action_token Required Ephemeral token generated after a user interaction with an AI app
channel_types Optional Mix and match channel types by providing a comma-separated list of any combination of public_channel, private_channel, mpim, im
content_types Optional Content types to include, a comma-separated list of any combination of messages, files
context_channel_id Optional Context channel ID to support scoping the search when applicable
cursor Optional The cursor returned by the API. Leave this blank for the first request, and use this to get the next page of results
include_bots Optional If you want the results to include messages from bots
limit Optional Number of results to return, up to a max of 20. Defaults to 20.


   "query": "What is project gizmo?",
   "action_token": "1234567.abcdefg"


   "ok": true,
   "results": {
        "messages": [
                "author_user_id": "U0123456",
                "team_id": "T0123456",
                "channel_id": "C0123456",
                "message_ts": "123456.7890",
                "content": "Hey team, we'll be kicking off our mobile UX revamp for the Gizmo App...",
                "is_author_bot": false,
                "permalink": ""
    "response_metadata": {
        "next_cursor": "Q1VSUkVOVF9QQUdFOjI="

The is_author_bot field can be used to discern bot messages from regular user messages when formatting contextual information to send to an LLM. The permalink field provides a permalink to the message. This can be useful to provide to your users in a "sources" list when the app responds to the user in a thread. Sharing sources in the app response is a best practice.

If there are additional pages of results, the API will return a value in the next_cursor field; if not, there will be an empty string. Use the value of next_cursor to query the API again for subsequent results pages. The API allows a maximum of 20 results per page.

3. Explore other ways to gather context data to provide the LLM

Obtaining contextual information from the Data Access API is a great way to provide the LLM relevant information on which to base query responses, but it's not the only way. You can provide the full thread history for continuity in conversation. Or maybe you'd like to provide the entire history of the channel that the user is currently in, alongside the data retrieved from the method. Check out how to provide this type of contextual information while developing with the Bolt SDK in the tutorial Getting started with an AI Assistant.

Use in public channels

When calling the Data Access API from within a public channel, the scope of content searched and shared is more limited. The Data Access API will only return results from public channels, regardless of if the user has more granular scopes, like search:read.private, enabled. If the channel is public, then the API will return results from all public channels the user has access to in the workspace that the API was invoked in.

If the Data Access API is called from an MPDM or a private channel, it returns results from only the MPDM/private channel and all public channels that exist in that same workspace. This workspace limitation is because users may be in different workspaces, and thus have different public channel data access.

If the Data Access API is called from a Slack Connect channel, it will return results from only the channel where it was invoked. This prevents users from seeing data they might otherwise not have access to.

Subscribe to the app_mention event to be notified when it is mentioned in channels. When it is mentioned, the action_token will be present in the event payload.


The Data Access API currently does not provide semantic retrieval capabilities. Searching for the keyword "revenue", for example, will not return results containing "profit."

Formatting in the search string can cause unexpected results, so be sure to strip any formatting from the search string before sending to the Data Access API.

The Data Access API will provide the most relevant results based on the search query. As such, the following are excluded from the results:

  • Low relevance results
  • Non-text files
  • Google Drive links (if it is not installed)

Data privacy

When performing a search, a third-party app requires various permissions to access data. In order to search public channel content, an app needs to be present within a workspace (and thus approved by an admin). For private channel content and files, both an admin and the end user need to have granted access to private scopes.

For DMs and MPDMs, admin and user permissions are also required, but only for a single workspace, as they’re not tied to any particular workspace. The user can revoke their consent for the granted private/DM/MPDM scopes after initially granting them.

We rely on which workspace(s) apps are installed on to determine and limit content access. An Admin should not install an AI app with a search:read scope to multiple workspaces if they do not want specific data to be accessible to the app. Alternatively, developers have the option to create a separate apps for secure workspaces, such as GovSlack.

We do not store any LLM prompts or response data (other than in the feedback payload), and we do not train anything on Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Per Slack policy, zero-data copy and zero-data usage for training LLMs is allowed.

You must not store or copy any of the data retrieved from this API. You may not use any of this data for training. You may not use this API to scrape data in a workspace that is unrelated to user queries.

Guest access

Workspace guests are not permitted to access AI apps, and therefore, the Data Access API.