Command quick reference

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The command line interface allows you to interact with your apps via the command line. Using the main command slack, you can create, run, and deploy apps, as well as create triggers, and query datastores.

Here are the most commonly-used commands when developing workflow apps.

Running slack help will display available commands in your terminal window.

Command Description
slack login The first step in creating a new app is to authorize your CLI to your workspace. Refer to authorize the CLI.
slack auth list You are ready to start developing your Slack app when you see that your workspace is listed in the output of this command. Refer to verify workspace authentication.
slack create <app-name> Use this command to create a new app, or choose a template to build your app from. Optionally, you can provide a name for your app. Refer to create an app.
slack env add Add an environment variable (deployed apps only). Variable keys and values are encrypted before storing them.
slack env list List all environment variables.
slack trigger create --trigger-def <path/to/trigger.ts> Create a trigger for your app. Refer to the triggers overview to learn more about the different types: link, scheduled, event, and webhook.
slack trigger list View information about your app's triggers, including the trigger ID, name, type, creation, and last updated time. You'll be prompted to select the workspace and environment (either local or deployed) for the triggers to list.
slack trigger list --token <token> --app <local or hosted app id> View information about your app's triggers. Workspace selections can be made without reading from your project's local apps*.json or credentials.json if both the --app and --token flags are provided.
slack run Run your app on a local development server. Refer to using slack run.
slack deploy Deploy your app to production. Refer to using slack deploy.
slack uninstall Uninstall an app from your workspace. You'll be prompted to choose your workspace first; then you can choose the app you want to remove. Refer to uninstall an app from your workspace.

For full details about the Slack CLI commands and flags, see the commands catalog.

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